Relationship between porosity, density and point load index for Magnetite-Case study: Sarvian mine

Document Type : Original Article


1 Head of Geotechnical and Tunnel Department of Ettehad Rah Consulting Engineers

2 Islamic Azad University, Mahallat


Compressive and tensile strength of intact rocks are very important to evolution of rock slope stability and tunnels analysis. The physical properties of rock such as porosity and density as physical parameters of the rock that affects strength, are of utmost importance. Finding a relationship between the physical properties and strength of rock may be innovative and easy method to estimate the mechanical strength of rocks.

In this paper, conducting simple field tests and establishing relationships between them, it has been tried to present relations for replacing simple tests with costly and time-consuming laboratorial test in the field.
The tests are conducted on 37 samples of magnetite iron ore with different densities for each test. Samples have collected Sarvian Mine, near Delijan. Then, the tests were compared pairwise in order to determine their effects and obtain their relationships. The optimum experimental model was a relationship with 0.89 correlation coefficient factor.
