identify and rank the barriers to implementation of sustainable urban transportation strategies (Case Study of Hamedan City)

Document Type : Original Article


1 graduate student of urbanism- urban planning, department of urban planning and desig, university of guilan

2 Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Guilan

3 Ph.D in Future Studies, University of Guilan


Today,strategies as forward-thinking thinkers play a central role in integrating strengths and opportunities in resolving weaknesses and facing threats.But strategies at the implementation stage are always surrounded by factors that challenge or reinforce them in the path to success.This study to focus on the barriers to implementation of urban sustainable transport strategies,and how these barriers will be affected.The statistical population of the study included 72 urban planning and urban planning experts who had good information about urban transportation systems.The purpose of the study is applied and based on a descriptive and research strategy and a questionnaire was used for data collection.Its reliability was obtained by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.82.The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for how the data are distributed in terms of normal or abnormal components to determine the relationship between the identified ninefold barriers and the implementation of the Spearman test as well as the Friedman nonparametric test for ranking the ninefold barriers.The highest average rating of 4.73 is assigned to social security,which means that the most important obstacle for experts to implement sustainable urban transport development strategies is social security.After this factor, the managerial and physical barriers have been most influential in this regard. The results of the statistical analysis confirm the existence of nine obstacles in the implementation of strategies in this area.In order to reduce the uncertainties of social deterrence,it is recommended to develop appropriate mechanisms for the development of social and institutional stakeholder participation,along with the process of designing transport strategies and urban transport strategies.
