Evaluating the types of displacement mechanisms in the construction of movable bridges

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 M.Sc., Student, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran.



movable bridge can temporarily stop one type of their performance and get out of their position. These bridges can be used as pedestrian bridges, road or water transportation. In this study, after introducing movable bridges, the types of these mechanisms are examined. The movement of movable bridges is done through six groups of rail, bascule, vertical, swing, tilting and folding mechanisms. The results of the evaluation of 50 samples made in the world show that among these mechanisms, bascule movement is the most common mechanism and rail movements cover the largest opening due to the lightness of the structure. In some mechanisms, such as swing and bascule mechanisms, it is possible to cover larger openings with the help of design in the form of two separate bridges with side supports. More than 90 Percentage of the movable bridges are made of steel and their deck support system is generally designed from trusses or plate girders. Today, with the advancement of technology, many of these bridges become a symbol for countries


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