One-sided analysis of inner-city thoroughfares in improving traffic flows and reducing accidents (Case study: Shohada Ferdis Boulevard)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.Sc., Grad., Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities,Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

3 M.Sc., Grad., Faculty of Traffic, Rahoor Operations Management, Amin University, Tehran, Iran.


Background and Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of unilateralizing the northern part of Ferdis Martyrs Boulevard on reducing urban traffic, accidents and increasing the satisfaction of Ferdis citizens.

Method: The type of research is applied in terms of nature, analytical-deductive and in terms of purpose, and library and field methods have been used to collect data and related studies. The statistical population of the study consists of three general sections, all households living in the spatial area of ​​the project; All businesses, traders and guilds are within the scope of the project and all pedestrians and traffic police officers; The sample size was estimated to be 196 people using the Cochran's formula, which was distributed among the members of the community using a simple random method of questionnaires. To analyze the obtained data, descriptive and inferential techniques (one-sample t-test) were used in GIS and SPSS25 software.

 The results of statistical analysis showed that in relation to the three research hypotheses, the level of significance was more than 0.05 and there is a significant relationship between the implementation of the project and the reduction of urban traffic. According to community members, one-way boulevard with an average rating of 2.11 has the greatest impact on "reducing accidents and traffic" and the least impact with an average of 1.84 on "people's satisfaction".


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