Effect of freeway speed control cameras on safety level using the effect of brake lines( Case study:Tehran – Qom freeway )

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of civil engineering, science and research branch of islamic azad university

2 school of civil engineering, iran university of science and technology, tehran, iran

3 Islamic azad university science and research branch



excessive speed is the cause of many accidents . governments and different countries have used different methods to solve this problem, the most important of which is the use of speed control cameras. but the speed control cameras due to lack of proper geographical location cause a decrease in safety level in the roads because the average of drivers before the camera has a higher speed compared to when they approach to the camera and some drivers have to brake and reduce the speed to escape ticket. The results showed that if the camera has a unsuitable geographical location in terms of the slope, the arc state and the sight distance it will cause drivers to face the camera in an unfavorable position and apply sudden braking, which will reduce the level of safety. As a result of sudden braking, a skid mark is created. In this study, the skid marks of Tehran-Qom freeway was examined, especially the skid mark that is in the range of speed cameras, firstly, to introduce a new method for measuring safety level and secondly, cameras that are in unsuitable location are identified.
