Proposing Enhanced Strategy for Transmitting and Routing In Content-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Based On Geographical Map


1 M.Sc. Student, Department of Computer Eng., Kashan Beranch,Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Eng., Kashan Beranch,Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran


Automobile networks are now enjoyed by many researchers. The key challenge in this grid is the highly dynamic topology of this network, which is an obstacle to establishing reliable paths for content transfer. The Content-Based Content Network based on the Release / Share Reference Architecture can be a model for the highly dynamic structure of these networks. Because this model manages the addressing and tracking of paths by highly animated nodes. Information-Driven Network An innovative model suitable for a dynamic wireless environment described by dynamic topology. To solve traffic congestion in the car network, the increased demand for access to information can be exploited by these networks. The key challenge in this structure is to select the optimal path, to send and prevent the duplicate content from a ninety, which will increase the latency of your options. In this paper, the hierarchical analysis decision making structure is used to select the optimum NIS and avoid sending duplicate content to a node. The results of the network overhead reduction method were 3.2 percent, the 4.7 percent bytes of content was transferred, the total network coverage time was reduced by 2.8 percent, and the downtime delay was reduced to 1.3 percent.


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