Distribution and location analysis of public parking Ramsar

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA in Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, mailbox 19395-3697 Rasht, Iran

2 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payam Noor University, mailbox 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran


Increases the efficiency of locating suitable public parking, parking And thus reduce the marginal parks and traffic fluency and indirectly increase the width of the streets. Geographic information system GIS spatial data analysis that science and technology are an appropriate system to find the most optimal place for construction is public parking. The research was conducted within the Ramsar And the analysis of distribution and spatial distribution of the current situation parking And the optimal location public parking Ramsar using GIS to improve the traffic situation in the city. The research method is descriptive and analytical and the type of an applied, In order to compile the theoretical fundamentals of the library method And to recognize the current situation parking in the city of the method field studies have been used. in this research, the analysis in the GIS, such as Overlay index is used. To determine suitable areas for construction of parking, the effective criteria in identifying the location, then use the software Arc Gis, Criteria for the application of information, that is readable made. With regard to the effect of each of the layers and paired comparisons by Expert choice software to calculate the weight of each layer, Then, by overlapping the layers of information, 8 new locations have been proposed for construction of Parking in the city.
